Sports betting players can be divided into two groups: amateur and professional. They are also divided into several subspecies. Each has its own characteristics, which you will learn about below.
Most users are betting at an amateur level. This occupation is not their main way of earning money, which is a common phenomenon for “average” players. They place bets on projects like Arena Casino and follow the goal: to spend time with friends, have a glass of beer and do not crave a permanent income (profit from the bet) – this is more a reason to get involved in the process by placing their bet.
It is not important for this group to set the coefficients, because the main thing is to enjoy the action itself. So winning is just a nice bonus. For them, the place of the game is not important either.
In another way, they are called gamers. The lowest level of amateurs, since they can even go into crime. They are too obsessed with bets, making them on everything that touches their attention. Sometimes they can do this for days on end. Such an unhealthy interest is more like a disease than a simple entertainment.
The main thing for them is not winning, but the process itself. They cannot earn big and save at least something worthwhile, because they bet on everything completely randomly. Here a financial problem arises – where to get money for betting. The issue is resolved in various ways: from loans and property sales to theft. When the situation is too neglected, such a gambler can be really dangerous for others. Sometimes there are quite harmless ones who spend a certain amount and calm down before the salary. However, without treatment, the disease can progress.

They differ from gambling addicts in that they do not have addiction and can calmly stop at any moment. They are also quite well versed in sports topics, however, due to lack of experience and theoretical knowledge of sports betting, they usually lose. In slang, they are called “priests”, as for one reason or another they often “hit”.
Some are even comfortable with this situation, so they don’t even think about what they are doing something wrong. In the event of a loss, due to emotions, they can bet a large amount on a random event, but even in this case, the losses will not be large – propanes usually do not throw large sums into the account.
The rest cannot figure out the reasons for their failures precisely because of the lack of experience, as well as qualities that are important for the players. Often such players are characterized by hyperactive behavior, categorical in their own convictions. In addition, they often try to show themselves as experts without having the proper level of knowledge.
However, some of these amateurs still move forward with time, not wanting to linger at low levels.
Betting professionals
Their ranks include players who have made sports betting their main occupation. Professionals stand out for their almost complete knowledge of the subject, the nuances of a certain sport, etc. They also follow a certain strategy in order to achieve certain results and earn money. They also fall into two camps.
Players who use weak bookmakers
They are divided into “forklifts” and “valuers”. They play at overpriced odds, which, thanks to their knowledge, determine without much effort. The bookmakers would have gone bankrupt long ago paying for such antics.
Usually offices try to underestimate the rates as much as possible, limiting the players. The same ones are engaged in the registration of new accounts, use fake documentation and do not disdain other auxiliary workarounds.
Here, the key point of the methodology is to find the weak points of the bookmaker. Security services regularly identify such “craftsmen” who again and again create new accounts for such earnings.
Real professionals
Such players try to earn on transparent competition with the line of bookmakers in places where it is encouraged and operate on favorable terms. So you can usually find them in professional bookmakers and exchanges. The main role here is played by analytical thinking and knowledge of the direction.
Often such professionals have a fairly large bank, a large stock of knowledge and skills, as well as a stable psychological state.